InêS M. Ferreira
I am a socially conscientious artist and my practice is research driven. I take in the world, reflect on it and react to it. I see my practice as an exercise in freedom of speech as I investigate the various dimensions of the relationship between earth sciences and ecology.
My practice sits in between art, science and social sciences. I make it by trusting my emotional, spiritual, intellectual and corporeal self.
I want to know how we know what we know and I make artwork in order to make sense of the knowledge I acquire. I won’ t excuse myself, my artwork is complex: it doesn’t shy away from the strata of being human, reaping order from the organic and mining organic from order. My artwork aims at sieving and unifying the hand made and machine made. Rocks, blood, and recycled or left-over materials evoke, echo, and embody the issues I address.
The fractal nature of both the earth and ourselves fascinates me and instil my making with questions related to depth and surface. These sometimes take shape in abstract landscapes, language based or action based artworks. By moving so deeply in the multi-disciplinary field I became interested in conserving Traditional Ecological Knowledge, which encompasses the symbiotic relationship between man and nature as culture.