Classics inside out

- planning and administrative tasks related to planning (school's policies)
- devise strategies/leadership/decision-making
- teaching technical, conceptual and language components
- materials preparation and management
- problem anticipation and solving
- time keeping
- classroom management
The project was based around a visit to the British Museum in which the students chose motifs to create a story, and drew those to be able to then use them in collage in classroom.
Some students chose ceramics, others life-size statues, other metal work, but the focus was all on characters and less on architectural or decorative motifs.
Once in the classroom the aim was to complete 8 spreads, so they could be folded into a book.
After the book was ready, a cover was applied.
The students learnt about drawing, collage, mix both media, narrative jumps as a device, elusive narrative, spread planning and folding, mock-ups, 3 stitch-bind, making a book cover and bind the signatures to it.
I started by showing collages and artists' books where it was possible to exemplify different approaches to narrative.
Explaining what subversion was a challenge because of the different language levels, all of them not quite advanced enough.
The narrative should revolve around the characters drawn at the British Museum. This proved to be actually a test of anticipation of problems to me, as one of the students missed this class, meaning that I had to find a solution for her to be able to be on track with the others during the other lessons. I took pictures of a variety of motifs that she could implement and choose from in her collages, either by drawing them or using the prints directly. This allowed for the rest of everyone's timmings to be synchronised
There were a few issues with the project as it was the first time I delivered it: I over planned (even that's one of teacher's golden rule, I was too ambitious with the aims and had to cut some stages as I went along).
positives: inexpensive, easy to set-up, dynamic as it entails a variety of activities the majority being new to the students, all students learnt something new, stages were easy to adapt as I went along
negatives: time restrictions: couldn't implement text, book cover was demonstrated and we made one collectively instead of each person making their own individually; students had a low level of english and sometimes it was hard for them to understand what was the progression/plan of action even though I sign-posted everything on the board at the beginning of the lesson and at each stage and they had a copy of the briefing.